
Ben in Suedafrika

… fresh ideas to make land-reform a reality

CAPE TOWN, 31.05.2016: “What is going wrong in South Africa’s land-reform programme, and how can its failings be addressed?” Ben Cousins* attends to the issue at hand and gives an outline of  some possible solutions: In 22 years land-reform has barely altered … weiter / qhubeka lapha »

Short film: “into Us and Ours”

Student’s short film makes waves 25 May 2016 `into Us and Ours´, a short film by third-year UCT film-student Jessie Zinn showed at Cannes Film Festival Short Film Corner after making waves on the international film-festival circuit. Into Us and … weiter / qhubeka lapha »

UMLANDO: Iminyaka Emihlanu Kwelakithi [1879-1884]

ucwaningo olusaqhubekayo luqhutshwa nguBheni wakwaKhumalo eBaQulusini 2005 Okuqukethwe 1. AmaNgisi kweleNkosi uCetshwayo (eSandlwana: 22 Masingana 1879) 2. AmaNgisi namashifu kweleNkosi uCetshwayo (1879-1883) 3. AmaNgisi noZibhebhu – uSuthu noMandlakazi (Masingana – Ndasa 1883) 4. AmaNgisi noZibhebhu – uMandlakazi eMsebe nasoNdini (Ndasa … weiter / qhubeka lapha »

Tutu forced to quit over lesbian-marriage

CAPE TOWN, 22 May 2016: Reverend Canon Mpho Tutu-Van Furth has revealed that her licence to preach is being revoked because she married a woman – so, she has decided to quit instead. Biénne Huisman* reports: Newlyweds Mpho and Marceline … weiter / qhubeka lapha »

International Criminal Court (ICC) despised once more

KAMPALA, 13 May 2016: Uganda’s president, Yoweri Museveni, vowed to fight corruption as he was sworn in to a fifth term in office, but officials from various countries who had been invited walked out of the ceremony when Museveni started mocking the International Criminal Court … weiter / qhubeka lapha »

Radioaktiver Staub über der Karoo?

IN SÜDAFRIKAS KAROO SOLL URAN GEWONNEN WERDEN. Die Gefahren für die Umwelt sind noch größer als bei der Erdgasgewinnung durch Fracking, das auf großen Widerstand durch Landbesitzer gestoßen ist. Jetzt droht der Karoo neu erwachtes Interesse aus Russland an den … weiter / qhubeka lapha »

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