Roy MacNab: … South African Milestones in Europe

Roy MacNab:
South African Milestones in Europe
Cape Town: Howard Timmins 1962. (137 pages)

Roy MacNab, with the pen of a poet, takes the reader through Europe – tracing the links on the Continent and in Britain with South Africa. The search has taken him on many journeys and history lives again in these fascinating pages. The Portuguese navigators come to life; he talks with people who remember Kruger’s last journey across Europe; in France, he follows the steps of the Huguenots; he discovers how the children of Longueval and the villagers of Castiglione keep alive the memory of South Africa’s dead in two world wars. In Britain, he takes the trail of Rhodes and Livingstone, the Prince Imperial, the Boer Generals, Baines and Fairbridge.

Journey Into Yesterday  is much more than a guidebook and it should find a place in the home of everyone interested in South Africa, no matter where they may live. For South Africans visiting Europe, it will make their visit vastly more interesting – for readers and writers on pre- and post-colonial history of Southern Africa even more!

>>Roy MacNab: … South African Milestones in Europe

Liberation Processes in pre- and post-colonial Southern Africa (LiPSA)
Ben Khumalo-Seegelken

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