Ceremony and Symposium in Commemoration of Beyers Naudé

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Ceremony and Symposium in Commemoration of Beyers Naudé

10 – 11 May 2015

Missionskyrkan Uppsala

10 May 2015  CEREMONY

                         10.00 Sermon: Ben Khumalo-Seegelken

11 May 2015  SYMPOSIUM

                         09.00 Opening / Welcome

                                      Iina Soiri, Director, the Nordic Africa Institute

                                      Andries Oosthuizen, Counsellor, South African Embassy

09.15 – 10.45  Beyers Naudé as a Teacher – Memories of a Student

Presenter: Ben Khumalo-Seegelken

Discussant: Hans Engdahl

Moderator: Bernt Jonsson

10.45–11.15 Tea/Coffee Break


11.15 – 12.45 Beyers Naudé and the Struggle Against Apartheid

Presenter: Horst Kleinschmidt

Discussant: Birgitta Karlström Dorph

Moderator: Henning Melber

12.45–13.45 Lunch Break


13.45 – 15.15 Beyers Naudé and the Theology of Reconciliation

Presenter: Christo Lombard

Discussant: Rune Forsbeck

Moderator: Hans Engdahl

15.15-15.45 Tea/Coffee Break


15.45 – 17.15 The Values and Legacy of Beyers Naude After Twenty Years Democracy

– A Political Conversation

Panel Debate: Ben Khumalo Seegelken, Horst Kleinschmidt, Christo Lombard, Erik Lysén, Henning Melber and Andries Oosthuizen

Moderator: Iina Soiri


Birgitta Karlström Dorph, Ambassador, working at the Swedish legation in Pretoria during most of the 80’s, before and after as a diplomat in many African countries.

Hans S A Engdahl, Professor in Theology, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town. Ordained priest, Church of Sweden.

Rune Forsbeck, General Secretary of the Swedish Ecumenical Council 1985-93. Ordained minister, Uniting Church in Sweden.

Bernt Jonsson, Political adviser, peace and disarmament, Foreign Office 1983-89, Executive Director, Life & Peace Institute 1990- 99, journalist – press, radio,television.

Horst Kleinschmidt, Student activist in the 60’s, joined the Christian Institute 1972, in exile 1976-2001, most of the time in charge of the International Defence and Aid Fund in London. Upon return he has i.a. served as senior civil servant at the Fisheries Ministry and is presently running an environmen- tal consultancy in Cape Town.

Ben Khumalo Seegelken, Social scientist and theologian, University of Oldenburg. Working in the early 70’s to raise political awareness among youth in Pietermaritzburg and Durban, political refugee, living in Germany from 1975.

Christo Lombard, Professor of Theology and Ethics at the University of the Western Cape 2005- and Director of the Desmond Tutu Centre for Spirituality and Society. Involved in the peace process with SWAPO and the transition to independence in Namibia.

Erik Lysén Director, Church of Sweden International Department, has i.a. worked for Diakonia in Durban and been in charge of its work in West and Central Africa.

Henning Melber, Director emeritus of the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation, Senior Adviser to the Nordic Africa Institute and Extraordinary Professor at the University of Pretoria and the University of the Free State in Bloemfontein.

Andries Oosthuizen Counsellor, South African Embassy, Stockholm.

Iina Soiri Director, the Nordic Africa Institute. Activist in the boycott campaign against Shell in the 80’s. Has spent 20 years working in Eastern and Southern Africa.


 More Information >>  The Nordic Africa Institute, P O Box 1703, SE­-75147 Uppsala, Sweden; Phone: +46 18 471 52 45 (direct); Website: http://www.nai.uu.se/

5 Kommentare zu diesem Artikel bisher »

Kommentare zu »Ceremony and Symposium in Commemoration of Beyers Naudé«

  1. […] 10 May 1995: People all over were celebrating the first year since the first president of democratic South Africa, Nelson Mandela, had been sworn into office.  On the same day many were celebrating and congratulating someone they loved and respected for his stand for justice and reconciliation, Christiaan Frederick Beyers Naudé – fondly called “Oom Bey” – who was turning eighty years of age. [On 10 May 2015 Oom Bey would be turning a hundred years of age]. […]

  2. […] 10 May people in and around South Africa remember the occasion when twenty-one years ago Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela [1918-2013] was sworn in […]

  3. […] Symposium in Commemoration of Beyers Naudé (1915-2004) […]

  4. […] and Legacy of Beyers Naude after Twenty Years Democracy – A Political Conversation” in the Symposium in Commemoration of Beyers Naudé (1915-2004) in Uppsala on 11 May […]


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