Afzal Moolla: gold-dust beneath my feet … … …

walking in this city of diamonds, gold-dust beneath my feet, sleeping under her rainy skies, embracing my newspapersheet,

i had a life, once upon a time ago, a woman too, now just a huddle of rags, while they walk past, never scrounging in their gucci-bags,

she left me, or i myself, on these bleak jo’burg roads, searching for that fix, finding me at these desolate crossroads,

now i stand alone, these empty streets my bed, all this gold-dust beneath my feet, my blood soaking the earth, drops of beaten red,

so i wish you well, friends, all of you who have walked on, and away, wishing you gold dust amidst the fray, leaving me to beg or borrow, to get through another jo’burg day … … …

Afzal Moolla.

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Kommentare zu »Afzal Moolla: gold-dust beneath my feet … … …«

  1. Comrade Afzal, as always powerful, touching, moving.


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