UkuBuyisana* – Redress, Restitution and Reconciliation

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 Convictions, Rituals and Methods of pre-colonial origin in contemporary attempts at conflict-resolution

Opinions and Debates

Deutsch >>ukuBuyisana*

People – in the aftermath of turbulences and wars – seek for inlets to one another, words and gestures to name the wrongs they had committed and the atrocities they had suffered in order that, if that would succeed, they could once more join hands and probably forgive one another and reconcile:  UkuBuyisana – that system of convictions, attitudes, attempts, rituals and customs, which the people of southern Africa evolved already in the pre-Christian era of recent history (prior to 1652) to facilitate ethically acceptable forms of retribution, vindication and reconciliation – is regaining significance in our times .

This set of convictions and methods develops wider religious dimensions and grows further into ecumenical horizons. The term “UkuBuyisana” – rooted in the isiZulu and isiXhosa worlds of thought in Southern Africa – literally means: “meeting halfway to return home together”.  The laborious and lengthy attempt is meant, which – because of unhealed injuries and traumatic memories – relies on the support and the cooperation of others.  People try repeatedly and patiently – a lifelong.

Project: Taking as point of departure the waves of turmoil that repeatedly stirred the province of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, between 1948 and 2010 – more especially between 1980 and 1996 – , I shall examine the psychological and religious factors that (seem to) underlie the quest for reconciled co-existence in some initiatives being taken today.  I trace their possible affiliations to Jewish-Christian models of post-missionary religiousness prevalent in that part of the world and the modes and effectiveness of their influence in contexts of the liberation struggle and liberation theology under apartheid up to date (1948-2010).

As paradigm for an ecumenical theology of reconciliation adaptable to processes in related fields of conflict in Africa, the Middle East and worldwide, ukuBuyisana stands to reaffirm its ground and restructure its patterns of discourse more especially in KwaZulu-Natal today.

My contribution takes into account relevant publications and sources of oral literature and strives to promote networks of informed and committed scholarship.

Ben Khumalo-Seegelken




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Kommentare zu »UkuBuyisana* – Redress, Restitution and Reconciliation«

  1. […] UkuBuyisana is a seldom opportunity and remains a legacy.   Madiba and Oom Bey invite us to move and meet halfway in order that we proceed together to live peacefully with everyone else. […]

  2. Ek het die afgelope week die 15de Algemene Sinode v die NGKerk, met verteenvoordigers van oor die hele land, bygewoon. ‘n Unieke en uitgmergelende en bemoedigende belewenis. Toe ek klaargemaak het met teologie was die vrou nognie welkom in “die amp” nie en ek het my tot die onderwys gewend en verder saam met David alles gedoen wat ekl moontlik kon doen sonder om ons 7 kind van die sinode gedoen het om my as ongeligitimeerde en ongeordende vrou te vra om een van die oggendwydings by die sinode waar te neem. Dit was ook hul manier om vir David vergifnis te vra oor die manier waarop hy deur die NGKerk behandel is.

    Nog ‘n groter sprong, was dat die sinode selfde-geslag-verhoudings aanvaar as normaal en dat sulke pare se verbintenis in die kerk bevestig mag word – dit word as ‘n burgerlike verbintenis geskryf en nie as ‘n huwelik nie – maar daar was ‘n groot hoeveelheid van die afgevaardigdes wat dit baie graag ook as huwelik wou beskryf. Verder is besluit dat die predikante onder mense met selfdegeslag-voorkeure nie meer, soos by vroeere sinodes besluit is, selibaat hoef te leef nie.Wat ‘n heerlike bevryding waaroor die meeste van ons gejuig het!

    Ek het gedink jy sal in hierdie nuus belangstel.

    Hartlike groete – Annemie


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